1. 无损检测技术:基于导波和振动的无损检测方法及结构健康监测技术
2. 超材料/声子晶体:基于超材料/声子晶体的波动和振动的主动调控方法研究
3. 智能传感器:基于压电/压电半导体的导波调控传感器的研究
2014,5 — 2014,6:澳大利亚悉尼大学,高级访问学者
2009,8 — 2010,2:美国匹斯堡大学,访问学者
2009,4 — 2009,5:法国勃艮第大学ISAT,访问学者
2005,8 — 2006,8:美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校,访问学者
2003,1 — 2003,5:英国曼彻斯特理工大学,进修教师

1.      Jianlin Yi, Zheng Li*, Mehrdad Negahban, Rongyu Xia, Jueyong Zhu. Asymmetric viscoelastic metamaterials for broad bandgap design and unidirectional zero reflection. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 162 (2022) 108101

2.      Rongyu Xia, Jueyong Zhu, Jianlin Yi, Shixuan Shao, Zheng Li*. Guided wave propagation in multilayered periodic piezoelectric plate with a mirror plane. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 204 (2021) 106539

3.      M. Saqib Hameed, Zheng Li* and Kaihong Zheng. Damage Detection Method Based on Continuous Wavelet Transformation of Lamb Wave Signals. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10:8610

4.      Rongyu Xia, Jianlin Yi, Zhong Chen and Zheng Li*. In situ steering of shear horizontal waves in a plate by a tunable electromechanical resonant elastic metasurface, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2020, 53(9): 095302

5.      Zhong Chen, Mehrdad Negahban, Zheng Li*, Jueyong Zhu. Tunable exceptional point and unidirectional zero reflection of a metabeam using shunted piezos, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2020, 53(9): 095503

6.      M. Saqib Hameed and Zheng Li*. Transverse Damage Localization and Quantitative Size Estimation for Composite Laminates Based on Lamb Waves, IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 174859-174872

7.      Jie Zhou, Zheng Li*. Damage detection based on vibration for composite sandwich panels with truss core,  Composite Structures 229 (2019) 111376

8.      Jianlin Yi, Mehrdad Negahban, Zheng Li*, Xianyue Su, Rongyu Xia. Conditionally extraordinary transmission in periodic parity-time symmetric phononic crystals, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 163 (2019) 105134

9.      Zhong Chen, Shixuan Shao, Mehrdad Negahban and Zheng Li*. Tunable metasurface for acoustic wave redirection, focusing and source illusion,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics52 (2019) 395503

10.   Kaihong Zheng, Zheng Li*, Zhaoyang Ma, Jianlin Chen, Jie Zhou, Xianyue Su. Damage detection method based on Lamb waves for stiffened composite panels, Composite Structures 225 (2019) 111137

11.   M. Saqib Hameed, Zheng Li *, Jianlin Chen and Jiahong Qi. Lamb-Wave-Based Multistage Damage Detection Method Using an Active PZT Sensor Network for Large Structures, Sensors, 2019, 19: 2010

12.   Jie Zhou, Zheng Li*, Jianlin Chen. Damage identification method based on continuous wavelet transform and mode shapes for composite laminates with cutouts, Composite Structures, 2018, 191: 12-23.